Red Type Maruti Suzuki, Suzuki returned products Suzuki Menghusung a high-speed sports car Maruti Suzuki made especially for the upper class who enjoyed the speed and kemewahaan a vehicle and a full range of features in a vehicle steering system. Maruti Suzuki has a very large engine power to be able to produce a very high speed
Suzuki Maruti Red Type |
Suzuki Maruti Red Type |
On the front of the vehicle is designed very frightening, because on the front of this car worth its enormous mouth of a lion, headlamps designed directly fused to the bottom of the lamp cap car long thin shape combined with a unified front bumper of this car.
Suzuki Maruti Red Type |
There are two spotlights at the bottom of a very elegant vehicle below, the main lights in the car using the new technology its the same thing with another sports car. This car use HID lamp
Suzuki Maruti Red Type |
on the back of this vehicle at first glance looks like a car from another manufacturer. taillight shape and position of the glass back of the car is also almost similar. This car is very aero dynamic when we look from the roof of the car was not a lot of sharp indentation curves on the car this car right dikarena is devoted to high-speed super sport riders
Suzuki Maruti Red Type |